The most common bed bug is the Cimex lectularius. The scientific name for the common bed bug is Cimex lectularius.
Bed bug has been around for a long time, perhaps even since humans first started sleeping in beds. The Romans had a name for them: cimex, which means “bug.”
Bed bugs can be found anywhere in the world, but it prefers warm climates and human dwellings. It’s estimated that there are up to 50000 infestations in Norway alone.
The common bed bug usually feeds on human blood, but it will settle for other animals if necessary.
Bed bugs have five immature nymph stages before they reach adulthood and become capable of reproducing.
Bed bugs don’t have wings and can live without food for many months at a time — as long as their bodies aren’t too dry or too cold.
Bed bugs are reddish-brown, about the size of an apple seed and can be seen by the naked eye. They usually hide in cracks and crevices during the day but come out at night to feed on humans. Bed bugs are attracted by warmth, body heat and carbon dioxide exhaled from your breath.
Since bed bugs are usually found in mattresses, sheets and box springs, it is important to thoroughly inspect these areas. Bed bugs can also be found on furniture, walls and floors.
If you do find bed bugs in your home, it is important to contact a pest control professional immediately. Bed bug infestations are difficult to treat and can be costly.
How To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs
It is best to hire professional pest control to veggedyr bekjempelse in Norway. A bed bug treatment will include inspection and removal of all infested items. Your pest control technician will use a vacuum to remove any eggs that may be hidden in cracks or crevices. The technician will also apply insecticides to kill the bed bugs and their eggs. You should not attempt to treat bed bugs yourself as they can be difficult to detect and control.