The patent system in the United States has been the envy of the world and has been attributed by historians as being the backbone of the economic success that has become the hallmark of the United States around the world.
It guarantees that a person who invents an idea for a unique product or process, whether it is practical or not, can have the right to exclusive use of that invention for a period of time as you can read on how to file a patent with InventHelp.
Patents are complex documents, ranging from 20 to over 1000 pages in length, and usually consist of four parts:
- Abstract, a one paragraph summary;
- Claims, which contain the specific and legal description of what is being claimed in the invention, and thus is the heart of the patent;
- Specifications, a detailed summary of the technology, often including the existing technology prior to the invention and how the invention differs from previous knowledge;
- Drawings (optional, but usually included).
There are three types of patents: utility (by far and away the most common), design and plant. Usually when a person refers to “patents” in the generic sense the reference is to utility patents.
As of now there have been more than 7.3 million patents issued in the United States, and every business day the USPTO receives about 2000 new applications for patents. Since 2001 these patent applications have to be published within 18 months of receipt. This means that even a simple search of such a large database can be a daunting task.
Important inventions deserve good patents, and the best way to get a good high-tech patent is by good old-fashioned craftsmanship. The patent application should:
- Clearly show that the invention is useful
- Clearly show that the invention isn’t obvious
- Clearly show how the invention works
A solidly written patent application is more likely to be allowed (granted), and is also more likely to stand up to attack by competitors later on. A solid application can also serve as the basis for many more patents going forward.
If you are looking for someone with an unusually strong technical and business background to explain, refine, and protect your ideas, InventHelp patent invention agency is the right place.