All the rules, procedures and official parties involved in arranging the protection of intellectual property through a patent together make up the patent system . The rules of the patent system refer to the patent law in force, both nationally and internationally.
Patent rights are national rights so that almost every country in the world has its own patent law. International treaties such as the European Patent Convention, among others, are supranational regulations that are in force within the countries that have signed the treaties. Even then, national patent law can still play a role.
The procedures of the patent system relate to the requirements that a patent application must meet and the time limits within which various aspects of a patent application must be completed. This can relate to actions that the patent applicant must take as well as those on the part of patent granting authorities as explained on https://kulturehub.com/inventhelp-step-by-step-guide-inventor/.
A patent right can only arise by filing an application with an authority that has the legal authority to grant a patent right.
In all countries that grant patent rights to inventors, there is a patent register in which the details of the patent application are recorded. This concerns the following patent data:
- who owns the patent?
- has the patent been granted?
- have licenses been granted by the patent holder?
- what is the status of the patent?
- does patent law still apply?, or
- has the patent right expired?
The patent register also contains all data and numbers that are important for following the procedure as you can read from https://www.iedunote.com/just-starting-out-as-an-inventor-inventhelp-is-everything-you-need.