A patent is a grant from the government that gives you the right to do something no one else can do. The invention must be new, useful, and non-obvious (novel). It must not be obvious to someone who has ordinary skill in the art (a field of technology). For example, if someone invents a new type of paper clip and another person comes up with the same thing independently, that’s a coincidence. But if someone invents a way to make paper clips stronger, then that’s an invention. If someone invents a new way to make paper clips stronger, then that’s an invention as explained in https://urbanmatter.com/inventhelp-reviews-and-frequently-asked-questions/ article.
How To Patent An Invention
Inventors can take several different paths toward getting their idea protected by patents:
Do it yourself: You can file your own patent application without help from an attorney or agent. This is called filing a pro se patent application (Latin for “for oneself”). Most inventors don’t do this because it takes time and effort to do it correctly and avoid mistakes. You also have to know what information needs to be included in your application so that it won’t be rejected by the USPTO (United States Patent and Trademark Office).
The USPTO offers a free publication service for patents, and many inventors use this to find out if their idea has already been patented. If the USPTO finds no previous patent application on your invention, then it will publish your application in one of its weekly issues called “patent pending”. The date of publication is considered the date of your patent’s effective filing date.
Use a patent agency: You can hire a patent agency, such as Invent Help to file a patent application for you. The downside of this choice is that it costs money. The upside is that the agency will do all of the legal work for you, and they will also help you determine if your idea is patentable.
If you have a good idea for an invention, then do your research and file a provisional patent application. You can apply for a full utility patent later when your product is on the market.