Of course you will. Calories measure the amount of energy stored in food. Stated another way, calories measure the amount of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins in food. For instance, a gram of protein has 4 calories while a gram of fat has 9 calories. Thus, in measuring carbohydrates, fats and proteins you are also measuring calories. So in this regard, all foods have calories, including plant-based foods as they too have carbohydrates, fats and proteins.
Interestingly enough, one of the benefits of a plant-based diet is increased energy. Why? Because plant-based foods are rich in protein, carbohydrates as well as polyunsaturated and monosaturated fats (the healthy fats) which the body readily absorbs and transforms into energy. Let’s examine this further in a comparison between chick peas and chicken.
A 3.53 ounce serving of chick peas has 364 calories versus a 3.53 ounce serving of roasted chicken which has only 173 calories. Though the chicken may have more protein, the caloric count is less. Thus if it is calories that concern you rest assured that you will still get them on a vegan diet. Even if it is protein and caloric intake that you are focusing on there are a variety of plant-based foods that are good sources of both.
To say that a vegan diet does not provide an adequate amount of calories is an easily disputed myth. What concerns most people though is that they won’t meet the recommended 2000 calorie-a-day requirement recommended by health professionals. However, contrary to popular belief there is no set amount of calories that the body needs for sustenance. Why? Because the amount of calories that your body needs depends not on a set, one-size-fits-all amount but on a variety of things, namely your individual needs.
For starters, your activity level will affect the amount of calories that your body needs. Someone who is highly active will need more calories than one who leads a rather sedentary lifestyle. The more active you are, the more calories you burn therefore the more you will need to consume. Other factors that will determine your required caloric intake are body type and size, age, gender, pregnancy and a host of others.
If you pay attention to your body it will signal you as to when it requires nourishment. Unlike the food industry, some medical professionals, pharmaceutical companies and even the government nature has no reason to lie to you about what your body needs. Thus, nature is your most reliable source of information when it comes to the nourishment of your body.
Suffice it to say that you will not be doomed to a life of starvation on a vegan diet. You will not deteriorate from malnutrition. You will, however, enjoy a diverse range of foods that are flavorful, even vegan meat products, just type something like: “The Best Plant Based Meats” and you will be amazed with so many sites, nutrient-rich and that have a sufficient amount of healthy calories that is more than capable of meeting your body’s requirements.