The definition of an invention is a device or process that is new and useful. An idea for a device or process may be considered an invention if it meets the requirements of novelty and utility.
To be patentable, an invention must be useful in some way, but not all useful things are patentable. For example, a new type of pencil sharpener would not be patentable because it is not useful enough to society at large to justify granting a monopoly over it to its inventor.
Patentability requires a level of usefulness above mere novelty. The usefulness requirement is generally met by showing that the invention has some use in industry or commerce as you can read from https://www.fashiongonerogue.com/top-inventions-changed-world-fashion-forever/.
There are also other requirements for patentability. The invention must not be obvious to someone who is skilled in the area of technology related to your invention.
How Inventions Influence Our World?
Inventions are a major source of change in our world. We take many things for granted in our daily lives, but they were probably not always so easy to do or have. For example, how would you get water if your pipes burst at home and you had no running water? How would people communicate with each other before telephones? What about cars, planes and computers?
There are many ways in which tech inventors have changed our lives. They make our lives easier, more comfortable and healthier. They also provide jobs for people who manufacture and sell the invention. A good example of this is the invention of air conditioning. Air conditioning made it possible to live in hot climates such as Arizona where temperatures can reach 120 degrees (Fahrenheit).
It also made it possible to live in places like Florida where the humidity is very high. Without air conditioning, people would not be able to enjoy their homes or work places because of the heat and humidity.
In Conclusion
The above are just some of the many inventions that have changed our lives. From air conditioning to cell phones and computers, we now live in a world where technology is part of our everyday lives.